Seeking God
On April 1st. 2020, I renounced everything to embark on a Spiritual Journey walking from Miami to California while living the homeless life.
Graduation Ceremony
My personal encounter with “The Almighty” took place on December 21st. 2020, at an unexpected location in California.

The Mission
On a Divine Journey to heal the world and awaken Humanity by spreading the word of God and bringing Heaven to Earth

The Mission
On a Divine Journey to heal the world and awaken Humanity by spreading the word of God and bringing Heaven to Earth

One Religion: LOVE. Since ancient times Religion has been responsible for the persecution, torture, and death of millions of people. Throughout history Kingdoms and Nations have invaded, assassinated, and declared…
thearmyoflight | May 28, 2021

"To Protect and Serve" Governments around the world have instituted a controlling…
thearmyoflight | May 22, 2021

R.I.P. “Mr. Grinch”. I spent my entire life living an unfulfilling existence…
thearmyoflight | May 9, 2021

Free Quartz Crystals. These clear quartz crystals were dug out by me…
thearmyoflight | May 2, 2021

"The Founding Fathers" To live and abide by laws written nearly three…
thearmyoflight | April 26, 2021

"Siblings Never Fight" One of the harshest physical punishments we would ever…
thearmyoflight | April 24, 2021

Chiara Rojas @ "The Nation's Capital"
thearmyoflight | April 19, 2021