It’s time to turn it up a notch… or two!
It’s time to turn it up a notch… or two! ❤🌟 Apr 15, 2020, 7:23 AM
It’s time to turn it up a notch… or two! ❤🌟 Apr 15, 2020, 7:23 AM
Place: Lake City, FL Last night was tough! After finally leaving Tampa, I got back on the road and walked for many hours until I got to a Truck Stop around midnight literally in the middle of nowhere and spent the night in the woods where once again the hot weather along with the mosquitos
As I mentioned yesterday in one of my videos after kindly being given a $20 bill from someone at a local church, I had an epiphany and decided that instead of trying to get rid of the money as I did previously during a Facebook Live with a $5 bill that someone else had given
Place: Sheraton Tampa Riverwalk The past 11 days of my life have been a roller coaster and thanks to someone very special, today I am able to end the week in the best way ever! And for that I am thankful and grateful! ❤🌟 Apr 12, 2020, 6:53 PM
My Son! The only reason why I came to Tampa before continuing my journey to California into seeking Enlightenment, was so that after many, many years I could finally meet my son Diego for the first time in our lives, despite me having done everything that I could to be there for him when he
Place: St. Joseph Catholic Church Happy Easter everyone! I truly love you all. ❤🌟 Apr 12, 2020, 8:11 AM
Place: Tampa, Florida Last night after 10 long days of walking from Miami, I was finally able to make it to Tampa, (where I am hoping to meet a very special person) and was welcomed by a stunning Pink Super Moon. These past 10 days have taught me a lot about myself and others.. I
Met this beautiful Earth Angel late at night. It’s funny because when I saw her coming towards my direction I said to myself “I wonder if she is hungry”, so I was planning on offering her some of my peanuts but to my surprise as soon as we got closer to each other she spoke
Love and Light to you all / Amor y Luz para todos! ❤🌟 Apr 9, 2020, 8:44 AM
Place: Christ Methodist Child Development Center I guess being judged by many just like they did with my brother Jesus Christ, comes with the mission! … And I say my brother because I am also *The Son of God*. ❤🌟 Apr 8, 2020, 8:54 AM